Contact Us

Okinawa Time

Contact us with your RFQs, RFPs and any questions you have about our services. Feel free to call our office Monday to Friday between 8:00 - 17:00 local time for an immediate response to your urgent needs.

Tel: +81 98-931-1050

Fax: +81 98-932-1714


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Our Location

Our main offices are located in the Takahara District of Okinawa City, Okinawa Prefecture, Japan. We are about 10 minutes from Kadena Air Base, Camps Foster, S.D. Butler, or Shields, and about 15-20 minutes from Torii Station, MCAS Futenma, and Camp Kinser. Camps Schwab and Hansen are a 25-minute drive on the expressway. In addition to our main office, we have equipment and storage yards in several other areas of the island.